Multiwavelength SED Analysis of X-Ray Selected AGNs at $z=0.2-0.8$ in Stripe 82 Region


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We perform a systematic, multiwavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) analysis of X-ray detected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) at $z=0.2-0.8$ with SDSS counterparts in the Stripe 82 region, consisting of 60 type-1 and 137 type-2 AGNs covering a 2--10 keV luminosity range of $41.6 < {\rm log}\ L_{\rm x} < 44.7$. The latest CIGALE code, where dusty polar components are included, is employed. To obtain reliable host and AGN parameters in type-1 AGNs, we utilize the image decomposed optical SED of host galaxies by Li et al. (2021) based on the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) images. The mean ratio of black hole masses ($M_{\rm BH}$) and stellar masses ($M_{\rm stellar}$) of our X-ray detected type-1 AGN sample, $\log (M_{\rm BH}/M_{\rm stellar}) = -2.7\pm0.5$, is close to the local relation between black hole and stellar masses, as reported by Li et al. (2021) for SDSS quasars. This ratio is slightly lower than that found for more luminous ($\log L_{\rm bol} > 45$) type-1 AGNs at $z\sim1.5$. This can be explained by the AGN-luminosity dependence of $\log (M_{\rm BH}/M_{\rm stellar})$, which little evolves with redshift. We confirm the trend that the UV-to-X-ray slope ($\alpha_{\rm OX}$) or X-ray-to-bolometric correction factor ($\kappa_{2-10}$) increases with AGN luminosity or Eddington ratio. We find that type-1 and type-2 AGNs with the same luminosity ranges share similar host stellar-mass distributions, whereas type-2s tend to show smaller AGN luminosities than type-1s. This supports the luminosity (or Eddington ratio) dependent unified scheme.
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