Design and simulation of a MIMO octagonal-shape hybrid transparent-metallic film antenna for Ultra-Wideband systems.

2023 20th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE)(2023)

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This article presents the design of an octagonal-shaped hybrid transparent-metallic film patch two-port antenna for ultra-wideband systems. A C-band transparent antenna design was obtained, in which the ground plane and the feedline have been modified. According to simulation results of the reflection coefficient, this antenna has a bandwidth between 2.4 and 12 GHz. The radiation pattern of the antenna was obtained by simulation points to an omnidirectional operation, with an average gain of -3 dB at 3.3 GHz. The simulated Envelop Correlation Coefficient points to an isolated operation between ports, with a top value of 0.44 at 4 GHz. The characterization of Diversity Gain also refers to an independent operation between ports, with a minimal value of 8.93. Meanwhile, closer to the obtained radiation coefficients, the Total Active Reflection Coefficient shows values below -10 dB in the frequency range between 2.7 and 12 GHz. Due to these characteristics, this antenna improves the gain. It is easier to fabricate than other transparent antennas and it can still be easily integrated in places like window frames or in another environment where there is mandatory Line-of-Sight communication or discrete implementations.
hybrid transparent-metallic film antenna,microstrip antenna,UWB,ITO,Minkowski fractal
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