Diaporthe sp. and Lasiodiplodia sp.: New foliar pathogens in cuajinicuil and soursop in Oaxaca, Mexico

Javier Castillo-Cabrera,Román González-Escobedo, Noé Bautista-Hernández, José Luis Barrios-Bautista,Graciela Dolores Ãvila-Quezada,Laila Nayzzel Muñoz-Castellanos

Revista mexicana de fitopatología(2023)

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Cuajinicuil (Inga spuria) and soursop (Annona muricata) fruit trees presented leaf spots that reached a severity of 50% in June 2019. The present study was established with the aim of identifying through ITS the fungi of the foliage of both trees. For this purpose, 10 orchards per fruit tree were selected in Peña Negra, Santa Lucía Monteverde, Oaxaca, Mexico, where five symptomatic leaves per orchard were collected. Fungi isolated from cuajinicuil presented ovoid, aseptate and hyaline conidia. The conidia isolated from soursop were subovoid to ellipsoidal, with rounded apices, hyaline and aseptate (immature), with a septum and brown in color (mature). Koch’s postulates were carried out on healthy leaves of both fruit trees, in 10 moist chambers per each. Once their pathogenicity was demonstrated, isolates were identified. In cuajinicuil Diaporthe sp. (NCBI: MW418007) and in soursop to Lasiodiplodia sp. (NCBI: MW418003) were identified. These species are reported for the first time in the fruit trees of this community. These findings represent a scientific contribution for the benefit of small agricultural communities in Mexico.
new foliar pathogens,cuajinicuil,lasiodiplodia sp,oaxaca,mexico
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