SAT-Based Quantified Symmetric Minimization of the Reachable States of Distributed Protocols

2023 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD)(2023)

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Most of the recent published work on the automated verification of distributed protocols has been concerned with deriving an inductive invariant that implies a safety specification. In this paper we argue that the inherent structural symmetry of protocols strongly suggests the existence of a unique property-independent formula $r_{min}$ that describes a protocol’s reachable states as a minimum-cost conjunction of quantified first-order logic predicates. We show, for finite instances, that these predicates correspond to symmetry orbits of prime implicates, and show how they are derived using a novel SAT-based logic minimization algorithm which relies on the connection between symmetry and quantification as complementary ways of representing these orbits. We also present empirical data showing that the minimum-cost orbits derived for increasing protocol sizes converge syntactically, reaching a fixed point at a relatively small critical size. Our findings, thus, confirm earlier observations about the cutoff and saturation phenomenon of parameterized systems. To our knowledge, our approach is the first to algorithmically derive quantified first-order logic formulas for the reachable states of unbounded parameterized systems, enabling the verification of any safety property.
Distributed protocols,logic minimization,invariant inference,symmetry,quantifier inference
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