Cell-type-specific 3D-genome organization and transcription regulation in the brain

Shiwei Liu, Pu Zheng, Cosmos Yuqi Wang, Bojing Blair Jia, Nathan R. Zemke, Bing Ren,Xiaowei Zhuang


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3D organization of the genome plays a critical role in regulating gene expression. However, it remains unclear how chromatin organization differs among different cell types in the brain. Here we used genome-scale DNA and RNA imaging to investigate 3D-genome organization in transcriptionally distinct cell types in the primary motor cortex of the mouse brain. We uncovered a wide spectrum of differences in the nuclear architecture and 3D-genome organization among different cell types, ranging from the physical size of the cell nucleus to the active-inactive chromatin compartmentalization and radial positioning of chromatin loci within the nucleus. These cell-type-dependent variations in nuclear architecture and chromatin organization exhibited strong correlation with both total transcriptional activity of the cell and transcriptional regulation of cell-type-specific marker genes. Moreover, we found that the methylated-DNA-binding protein MeCP2 regulates transcription in a divergent manner, depending on the nuclear radial positions of chromatin loci, through modulating active-inactive chromatin compartmentalization. ### Competing Interest Statement X.Z. is an inventor of patents applied for by Harvard University related MERFISH and a co-founder and consultant of Vizgen, Inc. B.R. is a co-founder and consultant of Arima Genomics, and a co-founder of Epigenome Technologies, Inc.
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