Hot PATE: Private Aggregation of Distributions for Diverse Task


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The Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles (PATE) framework~\cite{PapernotAEGT:ICLR2017} is a versatile approach to privacy-preserving machine learning. In PATE, teacher models are trained on distinct portions of sensitive data, and their predictions are privately aggregated to label new training examples for a student model. Until now, PATE has primarily been explored with classification-like tasks, where each example possesses a ground-truth label, and knowledge is transferred to the student by labeling public examples. Generative AI models, however, excel in open ended \emph{diverse} tasks with multiple valid responses and scenarios that may not align with traditional labeled examples. Furthermore, the knowledge of models is often encapsulated in the response distribution itself and may be transferred from teachers to student in a more fluid way. We propose \emph{hot PATE}, tailored for the diverse setting. In hot PATE, each teacher model produces a response distribution and the aggregation method must preserve both privacy and diversity of responses. We demonstrate, analytically and empirically, that hot PATE achieves privacy-utility tradeoffs that are comparable to, and in diverse settings, significantly surpass, the baseline ``cold'' PATE.
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