The biological source and paleoenvironment implication of rare short-chain lanostanes in alkaline lacustrine sediments


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Highly mature organic-rich source rocks in the Early Permian Fengcheng Formation, Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin, northwestern China, were deposited in an alkaline lacustrine environment. Analysis of extracts of eight core samples by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry detected a series of short-chain lanostanes (C23-C25) lano-stanes. The relative abundance of short-chain lanostanes has a strong positive correlation with those of long chain (C30-C32) homologues, indicating a possible common biological origin and genesis. Compound specific isotopic analyses of phytane, steranes, hopanes and C30 lanostane from the core extracts reflect input from primary photosynthetic producers including cyanobacteria. Abundant lamalginite was observed in the samples from the study area. A well-defined positive relationship is also evident between the relative abundance of lanostanes and the ratios of 7-+8-methyl heptadecanes/Cmax and 2-methyl hopanes/C30-hopanes. Given that 7-+8-methyl heptadecanes and 2-methyl hopanes are considered to be diagnostic molecular biomarkers for organic matter derived from cyanobacteria, it is possible that cyanobacteria may serve as a possible biological precursor for lanostanes in the Fengcheng Formation. The influence of maturity on the lanostanes is considered to be minor, as no significant relationship is found between lanostanes and thermal maturity parameters, although this may be due to a limited maturity range of the samples. The co-existence of high contents of phytane, beta-carotanes, and gammacerane, and their correlations in abundance with lanostanes, indicates a strongly reducing sedi-mentary environment.
Molecule markers,Lanostanes,Alkaline lakes,Cyanobacteria,Hypersaline water body,Fengcheng formation,Junggar Basin
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