Simple Contact Sensor for Material on Die in Sheet Hydroforming

Int. J. Autom. Technol.(2023)

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A simple material contact sensor on the forming tool was devised for sheet hydroforming. The applicability was investigated for the shallow forming of aluminum alloy sheet. A flat bottom axisymmetric die or a conical one was used. An antistatic electric tape was used as contact sensor. It is flexible and attached to the die cavity in the radial direction. Electrical resistance of the tape between the center and the contact position of the material changes as the forming progresses. The change in voltage of the resistance part corresponding to the contact length was captured continuously. The strain at the center of the circular test piece was also continuously measured using a strain gage for large deformation. A short contact length was captured for the flat bottom die, since the test piece deforms into a dome shape, and the tip of the dome contacts to the center of the die cavity. On the other hand, the captured length was longer in the forming with the conical die. The repetitive separation and contact motion of the test piece to the die in impact forming due to the impulsive water pressure was successfully captured by due to that the diameter of the die cavity was small. of the material. The measured maximum strain of the test piece was larger in impact forming, and the strain tive strain rate sensitivity of the material.
simple contact sensor,sheet hydroforming
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