Optimization of Whole-Body Motion for Humanoid Robot Walking Down Stairs with Small Joint Range of Motion

Xiang Meng,Zelin Huang, Qian Liang, Yue Dong,Zhifa Gao,Lianqiang Han, Junhang Lai,Sai Gu, Huanzhong Chen,Xuechao Chen,Qiang Huang

Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science Mechanisms and Machine Science(2023)

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Traversing through stairs stably is a challenging task for humanoid locomotion. Previous researches mostly focus on empowering humanoid robots with the capability of walking up stairs. There are only a few studies about walking down stairs, not to mention the case of humanoid robots walking down stairs with small joint range of motion (RoM). This paper proposes a whole-body motion optimization method for humanoid robots walking down stairs continuously with restricted joint RoM. Motion generation consists of two sequential optimization problems. The first is a segmented parameter optimization of swing foot trajectory considering trajectory smoothness and collision avoidance. The second is a whole-body motion optimization based on the centroidal dynamics and whole-body kinematics model, which takes the optimized swing foot trajectory as hard equality constraints and optimizes physically feasible whole-body trajectory for walking down stairs within small joint RoM. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is validated in simulation with the humanoid robot BHR7P.
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