Contributions of annual and semiannual tidal constituents to chart datum in the China seas and adjacent waters

Acta Oceanologica Sinica(2023)

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Global uniform chart datum (CD) surface construction is the basic upon which to realize various vertical datums transformation, and is of great importance for geospatial data expression under the same vertical datum. Generally, the CD level is computed by developing the function between tidal constituents’ harmonic constants and time, i.e., the lowest astronomical tide is taken as the lowest predicted tide level by adopting the major constituents over a 19-a period. The CD surface prescribed in China is the theoretical lowest tide (TLT) and is calculated using 13 tidal constituents, i.e., short -period (Q 1 , O 1 , P 1 , K 1 , N 2 , M 2 , S 2 , K 2 , M 4 , MS 4 and M 6 ) and long-period (Sa and Ssa) tidal constituents. Although the accuracy in determining short-period tidal constituents has improved gradually, the long-period tide has not been studied thoroughly owing to nonstationary and temporal variations. Previous studies have intended to evaluate the effect of Sa and Ssa tides in the determination of the TLT level for the purpose of determining a more accurate CD surface for the China seas and adjacent waters. Here, the parameters of long-period tidal correction and long-period tidal correction rate were treated as the effect of both Sa and Ssa on the TLT, and the TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason series satellite altimetry data ranged from October 1992 to April 2022 were adopted to analyze the contribution of long-period tidal constituents. Results showed that the average long-period correction value is 10.10 cm (range from 8.57 cm to 14.98 cm), and that the average long-period tidal contribution rate is 14.56% (range from 9.09% to 23.97%) in the China seas and adjacent waters. Finally, data from 82 tide gauge station with at least a 1-a record of hourly observations were compared with satellite-derived result. We concluded that the long-period tidal contribution should not be neglected in TLT construction. Furthermore, to reduce tidal datum uncertainty, accurate extraction of long-period tidal constituents should receive closer attentions.
tidal datum,chart datum,long-period tidal constituent,lowest normal low water,China seas and adjacent waters
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