Time Resolved Hard X-ray/Optical Transient Grating Spectroscopy on a Liquid Jet

A.S. Morillo-Candas, A. Al-Haddad, S. Augustin, C. Bacellar,A. Cannizzo, C. Cirelli,C. David, D. Fainozzi,T. Feurer, P. Johnson, A. Maznev,K. Nelson, T. Mamyrbayev, K. Schnorr, C. Svetina, J. Vila-Comamala,M. Chergui, C. Bostedtl, G Knopp

2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)(2023)

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Optical spectroscopy typically involves transitions of valence electrons within a molecular system, while X-ray spectroscopy is concerned with transitions of core electrons providing element-specific information. Combinations of both interactions are interesting in the context of nonlinear X-ray/optical wave-mixing experiments, which have been successfully demonstrated at free electron lasers (FELs) [1]–[4]. We will report some early results from an experimental study at the SwissFEL free electron laser, where we applied the novel method of hard X-ray/optical transient grating spectroscopy (XO-TG) [4] for investigation of a chemical compound solvated in water [5]. In XO-TG, typically an interfering X-ray field forms the ‘grating’, which causes a subsequent modulation of the refractive index in the sample with respect to the optical probe. In our case the X-ray induced transient grating structure at the liquid jet sample position is generated by X-ray pulses from the free electron laser, diffracted from a diamond Talbot grating [4].
core electrons,element-specific information,free electron lasers [1],interfering X-ray field,liquid jet sample position,optical probe,optical spectroscopy,SwissFEL free electron laser,valence electrons,X-ray induced transient grating structure,X-ray pulses,X-ray spectroscopy
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