Survey of Non-English Language Compilers : (Exploring the Diversity of Programming Languages)

Bhumireddy Sunayana, Karishma Shaik, Kruthika Raj Vemula, Sriya Sahoo,Ravi Kumar Tata, A. Senthil

2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)(2023)

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The design of a compiler for a non-English language presents unique challenges and opportunities for the development of language-specific tools and technologies. In this paper, the data via various language-based papers are compared to identify the vulnerabilities and challenges one faces. This paper explores the key considerations and challenges in designing a compiler for a non-English language, including the representation and processing of language-specific features such as multiple scripts and complex conjuncts. It also discusses the potential applications and uses cases for a non-English compiler, and the importance of considering relevant standards and specifications for the language. This paper aims to propose a design approach for a non-English compiler that addresses these challenges and supports the efficient translation of source code into machine code. Our proposed design for a non-English compiler represents a significant step forward in the development of language-specific tools and technologies and has the potential to improve the accessibility and functionality of non-English languages in the digital world.
Compiler,non-English language,translation,application,specifications
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