Role of AI Algorithm Approaches for the Use of Weather Forecasting

Aishwary Awasthi, Shashank Bhardwaj, Sureshbabu Rajasekaran,Neeraj Panwar,Durgaprasad Gangodkar

2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)(2023)

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Weather forecasting used to be done with the use of big, sophisticated physics models that used fantastic atmospheric conditions over a lengthy period of time. These settings are frequently unstable as a result of changes to the climate device, which causes the models to provide inaccurate projections. The models are frequently run on a large number of nodes in a high-performance computing (HPC) environment, which uses a lot of power. In this research, we describe a novel approach for recognizing meteorological data utilizing contemporary technologies such as Artificial Neural Networks, Python Machine Learning, and Data Mining.As we appreciate the importance of weather forecasting in the day-to-day lives of people all around the world. We demonstrate how several strategies are used to obtain a certain climate scenario for the near future in a short length of time, or even just one click, which benefits humans in a variety of ways. These tactics may be implemented in considerably less resource-intensive settings. The results of the evaluation show that the precision of present-day clothes is sufficient for usage with modern procedures. These methods use one-of-a-kind criteria to forecast daily weather in terms of current rainfall, humidity, temperature, cloud cover, and the current day the day.This report provides information on how modern technology has improved climate predictions.
ML,HPC,AI Algorithm,Weather Forecasting,ANN,DL,Neural Network and Data Analysis
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