Performance assessment of borehole arrangements for the design of rectangular shallow foundation systems

Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering(2023)

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This study proposes a framework to evaluate the performance of borehole arrangements for the design of rectangular shallow foundation systems under spatially variable soil conditions. Performance measures are introduced to quantify, for a fixed foundation layout and given soil sounding locations, the variability level of the foundation system bearing capacities in terms of their mean values and standard deviations. To estimate these measures, the recently proposed random failure mechanism method (RFMM) has been adopted and extended to consider any arrangement of rectangular foundations and boreholes. Hence, three-dimensional bearing capacity estimation under spatially variable soil can be efficiently performed. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the applicability of the proposed framework, including diverse foundation arrangements and different soil correlation structures. Overall, the proposed framework represents a potentially useful tool to support the design of geotechnical site investigation programs, especially in situations where very limited prior knowledge about the soil properties is available.
Foundations,Geotechnical engineering,Bearing capacity,Optimal borehole placement,Soil spatial variability
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