Site inspection drone: A solution for inspecting and regulating construction sites

2016 IEEE 59th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)(2016)

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Motivated by the need to regulate and regularly inspect construction sites, we developed a real-time robust drone system that performs site inspection and violation detection in construction sites. The proposed system uses the drone to inspect and monitor numerous types of construction sites remotely from any control station or a nearby locations. Our drone system was developed as an entry to participate in “Drones For Good” 2015 competition, and qualified to the finals. Our proposed technological solution presented in this paper introduces the possible utilization of drone technology in the construction industry. We will first introduce the motivation and benefits of using this system, and how it's usage will increase the ability to control the health and safety, efficiency, and cost of the site inspection process. We will then detail the technical components of the drone, and present the results of experiments and evaluations conducted in realistic scenarios.
site inspection drone,construction site regulation,real-time robust drone system,violation detection,drone technology,construction industry
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