Research on Multi-vision Feature Matching Technology

Hui Yuan,Jingjing Fan,Shuai Wang, Kang Yuan

2023 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Signal Processing (ICSP)(2023)

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In this paper, a multi-vision system is used to study camera calibration, target feature extraction and feature matching algorithms. First, the multi-vision system used is calibrated, and the basic composition is binocular cameras and monocular cameras, and the number can be expanded according to needs. Then, the camera is calibrated, and the internal and external parameters of each camera and the position relationship between the image coordinate system and the world coordinate system are obtained. In terms of target recognition, the feature point extraction and matching method based on SIFT algorithm is used to identify the target. In order to eliminate false matching and make the recognition result more accurate, the RANSAC algorithm is also used to eliminate the initial mismatched feature points of the SIFT algorithm, retain the accurate matching feature points, and realize the accurate identification of the target.
multi-vision,feature matching,calibration,SIFT algorithm,RANSAC algorithm
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