Research on Localization and three-dimensional Reconstruction of Borehole Wall Fractures Based on Ultrasonic Imaging Data

Mingyu Nie,Guangmin Sun, Yadong Zhang, Bo Peng

2023 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Signal Processing (ICSP)(2023)

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In the exploration of coal seams, oil, and gas resources, fractures are a common structure within underground rock formations. Accurate identification, localization, and 3D reconstruction of fractures play crucial roles in analyzing fracture development, rock structure, geostress, and resource reservoir assessment. Therefore, this study proposes a methodology for the localization and 3D reconstruction of wellbore fractures based on ultrasonic imaging data. Firstly, pre-processing of the wellbore ultrasonic images is performed, including image denoising, enhancement, and segmentation, thereby extracting the fracture regions. Subsequently, curve fitting for the fracture regions is conducted using genetic algorithms and mask operations, achieving the localization of wellbore fractures. Finally, 3D reconstruction of the wellbore segment is accomplished using the Unity engine. The research results demonstrate that the proposed method exhibits high accuracy and reliability in wellbore fracture processing. This study provides an efficient image processing and 3D reconstruction technique for the fields of geological exploration and resource development, facilitating more intuitive observation and analysis of wellbore fracture distribution, development, and the geological structure of the rock formation in question. This renders the research significant in terms of practical engineering implications.
ultrasound imaging,threshold segmentation,genetic algorithm,curve fitting,three-dimensional reconstruction
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