Human Gaussian Splatting: Real-time Rendering of Animatable Avatars

CVPR 2024(2023)

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This work addresses the problem of real-time rendering of photorealistic human body avatars learned from multi-view videos. While the classical approaches to model and render virtual humans generally use a textured mesh, recent research has developed neural body representations that achieve impressive visual quality. However, these models are difficult to render in real-time and their quality degrades when the character is animated with body poses different than the training observations. We propose the first animatable human model based on 3D Gaussian Splatting, that has recently emerged as a very efficient alternative to neural radiance fields. Our body is represented by a set of gaussian primitives in a canonical space which are deformed in a coarse to fine approach that combines forward skinning and local non-rigid refinement. We describe how to learn our Human Gaussian Splatting (\OURS) model in an end-to-end fashion from multi-view observations, and evaluate it against the state-of-the-art approaches for novel pose synthesis of clothed body. Our method presents a PSNR 1.5dbB better than the state-of-the-art on THuman4 dataset while being able to render at 20fps or more.
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