Metrics for Evaluating Grid Service Provision from Communities of Grid-interactive and Efficient Buildings and other DER

Jason S. MacDonald, Cynthia Regnier

2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)(2023)

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Tapping into the flexibility of aggregations of Grid-interactive and Efficiency Buildings (GEBs) represent a large opportunity to cost-effectively improve operations in future low-carbon power grids. The US Department of Energy’s Connected Communities program seeks to demonstrate collections of these GEBs at 10 different sites across the country. However, consistent metrics for evaluation across all projects are needed to build confidence in the approach. This paper presents the metrics relating to Grid Service Provision that will be computed at the 10 demonstrations. The metrics proposed quantity the magnitude of service offers, the consistency and quality of services provided by the community, and the individual DER contributions to the community-level service. The goal of this work is to present these metrics and describe some of their intended insights. The hope is that these insights will be useful and build confidence for grid operators, regulators, and aggregators and practitioners as they look to deploy these resources in grids of the future.
Connected Communities,metrics,demonstration evaluation
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