Generation of JMeter scripts for performance testing of Moodle server

2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N)(2022)

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Moodle is an open-source virtual learning platform used by universities, institutions, and colleges to take quizzes, assignments, video lectures, etc., online. Many institutions worldwide and in India have used Moodle extensively during the covid-19 pandemic. Moodle is facing the issue of slow response time as the number of concurrent users increases. So, to cater to the need of students and teachers at the institutes, the performance testing of Moodle is done using JMeter, a freely available tool to find out the limitations of the number of simultaneous users of Moodle server. Different scenarios are considered, such as concurrent login, concurrent page accesses such as dashboard and registered course page, concurrent file uploads and downloads, concurrent users taking a quiz, etc. The simulation of simultaneous users is done using the JMeter scripts. The scripts are run by steadily increasing the number of threads up to a certain Error percentage of the requests.
Moodle,Performance testing,Apache JMeter,JMeter scripts,Simulation
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