A Survey on Patient Information Management System Using IOT and Cloud Computing Techniques

2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Communication (AISC)(2023)

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Clinics all around the world are using more recent, cutting-edge technology. Telecommunications and information improvements are to blame for the emergence of the Internet of Objects (IoT). In past years, new opportunities for data collection and wiser judgments have emerged with the incorporation of the Internet of Everything with hospital medical equipment, as well as with individuals and their surroundings. In the future of IoT for healthcare, various and distributed devices will collect, analyse, and transmit genuine medical data to open clouds, enabling the accrual, piling, and analysis of crucial data streams in numerous new procedures as well as the increased expression of context-dependent intimations. See some may advance the current development of traditional healthcare model toward engaged medicine by using sensors (ambient, wearable, and implants) dispersed across local surroundings with the goal of tracking patient's health and launching remotely treatment. The management of the massive amount of cloud storage is done by fusing edge computing with the Internet of Things. Recent studies have shown that the cloud and IoT integration significantly affect remote healthcare. This survey study focuses on the many applications of edge computing IoT devices to improve people's health while ensuring the accuracy of medications and medication delivery.
Edge Cloud Computing,Internate of Things (IoT),Patient Information Management
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