Optimal Scheduling of Integrated Energy System Considering the Dynamic Characteristics of Heating and Gas Networks

Guanhui Li,Tingting Zhang, Feng Li, Xichao Zhao, Yuxin Xie,Wen Zhang

2022 IEEE 6th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2)(2022)

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With the rapid development of electricity-heat-gas integrated energy system (IES) in recent years, it has become an effective way to improve energy utilization efficiency. The coordinated utilization of diverse energy forms in IES can promote the consumption of renewable energy and the operational flexibility of IES. This paper proposes an optimal scheduling method for IES considering the dynamic characteristics of heating and gas networks to reduce operating cost and accommodate wind energy. Firstly, considering the slow transmission process in pipeline, the dynamic characteristics of heating network and gas network are modeled to tap the energy storage potential of the networks. Then, a day-ahead optimal scheduling model is proposed for the IES. The objective of the optimization is to minimize the operating cost. The constraints for the electricity, heating and gas networks and their coupling components are shown. The simulation results on a modified IES prove that the consideration of the dynamic characteristics helps improve the operating economy and renewable energy accommodation.
Integrated Energy System,Dynamic Characteristics,Optimal Scheduling
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