A Review of the Challenges in EV Wireless Charging Technology

Ravichandran V,Gopinath Singaram, Velmurugan J,Sivaramkrishnan M, Karthikeyan J,Neelam Sanjeev Kumar

2023 8th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES)(2023)

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EVs are becoming more popular because they are less expensive and better for the environment. However, charging their batteries on a daily basis is difficult. Several obstacles must be overcome before wireless charging for electric vehicles (EVs) becomes widely used. Because alternatives to cable charging are inefficient, this is the main source of concern. Because of transmission losses, more expensive and time-consuming charging procedures are required. Standardization, compatibility with a wide range of electric vehicles, and the impact of wireless charging on batteries are among the other challenges. It is difficult to encourage widespread adoption due to the high cost of establishing a wireless charging infrastructure. Before electric vehicles can be powered by wireless charging, it must be improved (EVs). Despite its promise to revolutionize electric vehicle charging, these barriers remain. EVs are becoming more popular due to their lower operating costs and environmental impact. Electric vehicle owners must keep their batteries charged at all times. Most cable charging techniques necessitate that an electric vehicle be permanently connected to a charging station, making daily use difficult. Wireless charging for EVs will solve this problem. This novel concept has the potential to charge electric vehicles remotely. Wireless charging uses magnetic fields to charge an electric vehicle's battery. This novel method of charging electric vehicles could make them more convenient and accessible. Wireless charging needs a few tweaks before it can be widely adopted.
Wireless Charging,Electric Vehicle,Rectifier,Power Conversion,Safety Features,Control Circuitry
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