Quantum Resistant Cryptographic Systems for Blockchain Network

Dharani D, Soorya R,K. Anitha Kumari

2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT)(2023)

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This paper presents a comprehensive examination of post-quantum cryptographic techniques, also known as quantum encryption, which offer protection against quantum attacks. It explores various methods such as hash-based cryptography and lattice-based cryptography that can safeguard cryptographic hashing and encryption against the potential vulnerabilities posed by quantum computers. The focus is specifically on the implications for blockchain technology, as it is susceptible to compromise during quantum attacks. The study provides an overview of quantum cryptographic encryption techniques that are poised to withstand quantum attacks, ensuring the resilience and quantum-proof nature of cryptographic measures. Blockchain is a peer to peer network that maintains distributed ledger. The peers in the network shares information in the network that is secured using typical cryptographic mechanisms. The proposed system aims at integrating quantum resistant cryptographic techniques in the blockchain network which ensures enhanced security to the information shared in the network. The proposed algorithm improves level of security to the typical blockchain network.
classical cryptography,blockchain,post-quantum cryptography mechanisms,cryptography,encryption,quantum attack
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