Triple A (AAA): a Tool to Analyze Scientific Literature Metadata with Complex Network Parameters

2023 9th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR)(2023)

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It is essential to analyze scientific literature when conducting review studies (systematic, narrative, etc.). Review articles can improve in quality by choosing or incorporating papers with high research impact. The quality of research has been measured using a variety of indicators. These metrics primarily address certain characteristics like the citation index. It is impossible to study the caliber of research in any field on an individual basis. It has to do with connections. Therefore, it would be advantageous to create a network of research items. In this study, we introduce a novel tool for the analysis of metadata in scientific literature. We tested our technique on the literature of breast cancer. The tool extracted 49,604 papers resulting in 575,894 nodes and 1,532,328edges. We looked at the topological and structural characteristics of the constructed network, briefly. However, this tool can be utilized in any other domain of interest.
Complex Networks,Betweenness Centrality,Citation Network,Topic Ranking
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