Classification of Respiratory Diseases With Respiratory Sounds With Deep Learning Algorithm

Nayan Kanti Majumdar, Sharon Christa, Asha S Manek,Shelda Sajeev

2022 IEEE International Conference for Women in Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship (ICWITE)(2022)

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It is crucial to improve access to quality healthcare for the economically underprivileged community in order to ensure that imperative illnesses may be treated quickly. In situations where medical personnel are severely lacking, a simple categorization of respiratory tones using a computerized instrument can be performed to provide a rapid diagnosis for respiratory-related disorders such as Respiratory function. In this paper, it presents Respiratory Specification, an upgraded bi-ResNet deep learning architecture that employs STFT and wavelet extraction of features approaches to boost performance over previous work. The authorized data compared to the global and the "train-and-test" datasets splitting procedure from the ICBHI 2017 challenge to create a fair assessment. As an outcome, able to obtain a productivity of 51.17 percent, which would be the best prediction consequence among all ICBHI 2017 teams participating.
respiratory diseases,deep learning,classification
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