Multi-Hop Data Delivery in Hybrid Self-Organized Networks for Mountain Rescue

Shih-Xiu Huang, An Lung, Jia-You Chen,Wu-Min Sung, Yu-Cheng Chu,Jiun-Yu Tu,Chih-Lin Hu

2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE)(2023)

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Considering the large-scaled field of mountain rescue, a hybrid self-organized network architecture is developed for multi-hop data delivery against weak network connectivity in challenged areas. UAVs and wireless nodes can self-organize unstructured multi-hop networks to distribute urgent and recuse messages in geographic proximity. To seek lost climbers efficiently, this architecture provides two search methods. (1) In a passive method, climbers send messages via MQTT protocols to neighbor nodes that will further forward messages to the cluster head of a self-organized network. (2) In an active method, UAVs hover over disjoint cluster heads to store, carry, and forward messages, and UAVs are equipped with cameras to perform face recognition of detecting target users. All the messages and camera-initiated video streaming can be passed through self-organized networks and then displayed on the rescue website.
Index Terms– Self-organized network,multi-hop data delivery,mountain rescue,wireless and mobile network,Internet of Things
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