Enhancing Time Reading and Recording Skills in First-Grade Children with Learning Difficulties Using the "Clock Motor Game"


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This study aimed to explore the effect of the motor game, "Clock Motor Games", on the improvement of "Reading and Recording of Time" (RRT) in children with Grade 1 mathematical learning difficulties (MLDs). A within-school cluster-randomized intervention study was conducted with 232 children (aged 6-7 years) with limited physical education experience (0.7 +/- 0.3 years). The participants were divided into two groups: a control group, which received conventional teaching on time without any additional motor activities, and an experimental group, which incorporated the concept of time with the "Clock Motor Game", for 3 weeks. The Clock-Reading Test was administered before the intervention (T-0), immediately after each session (T-1), and five weeks after the intervention (T-2) in both groups. The results demonstrated that the experimental group exhibited significantly greater improvements in RRT performance compared to the control group (U = 4416.5; p < 0.001; r = 0.3; medium effect). Additionally, the experimental group was more likely to show progress and less likely to experience regression or stagnation compared to the control group (25% vs. 38.4%). The findings suggest that practicing "Clock Motor Games" can positively contribute to the RRT ability in children with Grade 1 MLD.
motor games,skill,reading and recording of time,mathematical learning difficulties,pupils
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