Automated Breast Cancer Detection using Convolutional Neural Network based Computer Added Design System.


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As per WHO health dataset, worldwide the second most common type of cancer in women is breast cancer. It is increasing at an alarming rate. Study in 2012 concluded that about 12 percent cancer cases are breast cancer among all cancers and in women it is 25 % among all the cancers in them. Cause of Breast cancer lies in cells, when cells grow abnormally or overlap each other. A lump-like pattern is formed by the cells which are also known as tumors. These tumor can be clearly visible in x-ray. A tumor is called malignant i.e. cancerous when the cells grow into nearby tissues. They spread and become metastasized to different areas of the body. The main focus of this research is to develop a Convolution Neural Network that classifies input biopsy photos into two categories, Benign (non-cancer tumor) or malignant(cancer). We will need to be accurate as people's lives depends on it. We are trying to train a Convolution Neural Network(CNN) based model for automatic identification of breast cancer in women patients through biopsy images.
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