Construction of Guochao Culture Promotion Platform in Big Data Environment

Hongting Zheng,Ying Chen, Guochun Yu, Gege Pei,Min Zhang

ICIEB '22: Proceedings of the 2022 3rd International Conference on Internet and E-Business(2022)

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China's the new development paradigm featuring dual circulation, in which domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay has brought challenges and opportunities for the promotion of guochao culture, and the development of internationalization has also made the Chinese people's cultural confidence stronger and stronger. As for the clothing brands, Chinese people no longer blindly pursue international well-known brands, but are more willing to support domestic brands that incorporate Chinese traditional cultural elements. Combined with Python, using regular expressions to extract, process and analyze data the guochao culture promotion platform constructed in the paper explores various technologies including data collection, storage and analysis. The platform captures users’ consumption habits and interests, pushes relevant guochao brands in a personalized way to convey cultural concepts and realize user communication, narrowing the distance between guochao brands and consumers. The combination of cultural and brand confidence provides a certain practical significance for the promotion of guochao culture and the development of real economy.
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