Neural correlates of impaired cognitive processes underlying self-unawareness in Alzheimer's disease


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Self-unawareness concerning current symptoms remains a clinical challenge in Alzheimer's disease. Reduced self-awareness likely depends on complex biopsychosocial mechanisms that comprise multiple cognitive processes, regulated by personal goals and values. We specifically reviewed the cognitive processes impaired in unaware participants with AD by emphasizing the related impaired brain activity observed during task-based fMRI. Unawareness can be explained by a failure in functioning of or in connection be-tween brain regions that intervene in access, retrieval and updating of (present or extended) self-information (posterior midline, medial temporal, inferior parietal cortices), or in its monitoring, evaluation, or control (medial and lateral prefrontal cortices). Although one must be cautious when relating function to brain regions, impaired pro -cesses were tentatively related to the Cognitive Awareness Model. Although brain function depends on neural networks, impaired brain activity during cognitive processes was dis-cussed according to previous studies reporting correlations between brain regions and scores of anosognosia. The review provides a framework to help clinicians considering processes that can explain unawareness in dementia. In patients at early stages of AD, different levels of awareness of cognitive or social clinical changes might be described as impairment in the interaction between specific cognitive processes and contents.(c) 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Alzheimer,Self,Unawareness,Anosognosia,Metacognition,Perspective taking
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