A High Availability Microservices Architecture Implementation using Saga and Backup Mechanism

Wen-Tin Lee,Ping-Yi Song, Ming-Kai Tsai, Meng-Hsien Wu,Shang-Pin Ma

2023 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA)(2023)

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In recent years, the proliferation of complex applications has led to the emergence of microservices architecture as the preferred approach for developing largescale applications. Consequently, numerous design patterns for microservice communication have evolved, with service orchestration gaining widespread acceptance as a standard solution in recent times.This study delves into design patterns for microservice data consistency and develops the service orchestration library, Anser-Saga. This library enables the creation of backups and restart points of distributed transaction states, ensuring eventual data consistency between microservice endpoints. Furthermore, it guarantees that our orchestrator can store, compensate for, and restart the orchestration process in case of an unexpected failure, ensuring transaction integrity. We conducted experiments involving actual microservice invocations to evaluate the availability and performance of microservices. The findings revealed that the Anser-Saga library demonstrated superior performance compared to the DTM solution.
Microservice Architecture,Saga,Orchestration,Data Consistency,Backup,Anser
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