Teaching Electronics in the Context of Industry 4.0: A Survey on the Brazilian Scenario in the Areas of Reconfigurable Logic and Microcontrollers


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Contribution: This study contributes to understand the current state of electronics education in Brazil, comparing it with market demand for professionals in the context of Industry 4.0 (I4.0). This study can be used to improve and update education programs and disciplines, as well as to assess whether the graduate's profile is aligned with the needs of Brazilian industries.Background: The effects of I4.0 have created an industrial environment that requires new professional skills and knowledge. Electronics was one of the most affected industries, mainly due to the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT). To prepare professionals to act in this new environment, technological education must be constantly updated.Research Questions: How are educational institutions preparing to teach electronics, particularly reconfigurable logic and microcontrollers, in the context of I4.0 and IoT? How does professional education in the field of electronics in Brazil align with market demands?Methodology: To collect and analyze data for this study, survey and multivariate analysis techniques (discriminant, exploratory factorial, and multidimensional scaling) were used. The sample included 89 Brazilian university professors who teach digital systems and have academic backgrounds in electrical, electronics, or related fields. Data from the survey and Brazilian industries were used in joint analyses.Findings: The lack of material in Portuguese for reconfigurable logic and laboratory preparation for IoT training are among the most critical factors in the Brazilian scenario. Despite the fact that professors consider logic is important for students' technical training, 34.8% reported that it is not taught in their institutions. The reality of educational institutions in terms of laboratories for the I4.0 was rated zero (worst level of evaluation on a scale from zero to ten) by 14.6% of respondents.
Electronics,embedded systems,FPGA,Industry 4.0,Internet of Things (IoT),microcontrollers,technological education
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