Analysing Industry 4.0 technology-solution dependencies: a support framework for successful Industry 4.0 adoption in the product generation process

Matthias R. Guertler, David Schneider, Justus Heitfeld,Nathalie Sick


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Industry 4.0 (i4.0) is central to advanced manufacturing. Building on novel digital technologies, it enables smart and flexible manufacturing with systems connected across company boundaries and product lifecycle phases. Despite its benefits, the adoption of i4.0 has been limited, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises. A key challenge is the technological complexity of i4.0. While advanced functionality requires technological complexity, it complicates an understanding of which enabling technologies are particularly useful and required. This article presents a framework to support successful i4.0 adoption across the entire product generation process through a systematic matrix-based dependency analysis of i4.0 solutions and underlying i4.0 technologies. Through increasing transparency around technological complexity of i4.0 solutions, this research contributes to a better understanding of which technologies are required for specific i4.0 solutions and which technologies could be strategic enablers for a broad variety of i4.0 applications. Knowing these technological dependencies supports both, the systematic adoption of existing i4.0 solutions and the development of new i4.0 solutions. This also sets the basis for a future socio-technical investigation.
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Complex systems,Dependency framework,Industry 4.0,Product generation process,Technology adoption,Technology management
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