Navigating iR Compensation: Practical Considerations for Accurate Study of Oxygen Evolution Catalytic Electrodes


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ADVERTISEMENT RETURN TO ARTICLES ASAPPREVViewpointNEXTNavigating iR Compensation: Practical Considerations for Accurate Study of Oxygen Evolution Catalytic ElectrodesYoon Jun SonYoon Jun SonMcKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, United StatesMore by Yoon Jun Son, Raul A. MarquezRaul A. MarquezDepartment of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, United StatesMore by Raul A. Marquez, Kenta KawashimaKenta KawashimaDepartment of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, United StatesMore by Kenta Kawashima, Lettie A. SmithLettie A. SmithDepartment of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, United StatesMore by Lettie A. Smith, Chikaodili E. ChukwunekeChikaodili E. ChukwunekeDepartment of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, United StatesMore by Chikaodili E. Chukwuneke, Jerome BabautaJerome BabautaGamry Instruments, Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974, United StatesMore by Jerome Babauta, and C. Buddie Mullins*C. Buddie MullinsMcKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Texas Materials Institute, Center for Electrochemistry and H2@UT, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, United States*[email protected]More by C. Buddie Mullins this: ACS Energy Lett. 2023, 8, XXX, 4323–4329Publication Date (Web):September 22, 2023Publication History Received10 August 2023Accepted12 September 2023Published online22 September 2023© 2023 American Chemical SocietyRequest reuse permissions This publication is free to access through this site. Learn MoreArticle Views-Altmetric-Citations-LEARN ABOUT THESE METRICSArticle Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to reflect usage leading up to the last few days.Citations are the number of other articles citing this article, calculated by Crossref and updated daily. Find more information about Crossref citation counts.The Altmetric Attention Score is a quantitative measure of the attention that a research article has received online. Clicking on the donut icon will load a page at with additional details about the score and the social media presence for the given article. Find more information on the Altmetric Attention Score and how the score is calculated. Share Add toView InAdd Full Text with ReferenceAdd Description ExportRISCitationCitation and abstractCitation and referencesMore Options Share onFacebookTwitterWechatLinked InReddit PDF (2 MB) Get e-AlertscloseSupporting Info (1)»Supporting Information Supporting Information SUBJECTS:Electrical properties,Electrodes,Oxides,Radiology,Redox reactions Get e-Alerts
oxygen evolution catalytic electrodes
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