Challenges in Designing Augmented Reality (AR) in Serious Games and Gamification for Students with Colorblindness.


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Interactive learning espouses a “hands-on” approach, aiming to foster student engagement. In an interactive form of learning, serious games, and gamification have been used in the classrooms to engage students. Nowadays, many serious games and gamification with AR are used in classrooms as it encourages engagement in interactive learning. However, with the usage of such technologies, it remains challenging to engage students with certain impairments as the tools are not designed to accommodate the needs of students with certain impairments. In this poster paper, the focus is on challenges related to red-green color blindness, since this is regularly affecting the learning experience among our students. Making learning content accessible in an AR environment depending on the type and severity of this color blindness is challenging and requires a better understanding of the specific requirements in designing AR in serious games and gamification for red-green colorblindness. To accomplish this, a systematic literature review (SLR) is conducted with the aim of highlighting the existing challenges in designing AR: i) serious games and ii) gamification. The paper also examines the challenges of using AR in interactive learning in a broader context and identified challenges with the key findings discussed.
designing augmented reality,gamification,serious games,students
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