Attention or Convolution: Transformer Encoders in Audio Language Models for Inference Efficiency


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In this paper, we show that a simple self-supervised pre-trained audio model can achieve comparable inference efficiency to more complicated pre-trained models with speech transformer encoders. These speech transformers rely on mixing convolutional modules with self-attention modules. They achieve state-of-the-art performance on ASR with top efficiency. We first show that employing these speech transformers as an encoder significantly improves the efficiency of pre-trained audio models as well. However, our study shows that we can achieve comparable efficiency with advanced self-attention solely. We demonstrate that this simpler approach is particularly beneficial with a low-bit weight quantization technique of a neural network to improve efficiency. We hypothesize that it prevents propagating the errors between different quantized modules compared to recent speech transformers mixing quantized convolution and the quantized self-attention modules.
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audio language models,transformer encoders,language models,attention
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