A Framework for the Concept of Social Transcript As a Part of Smart University

2023 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU)(2023)

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The primary objective of a university is to equip its graduates with the necessary skills and opportunities for successful employment. By incorporating smart university applications, universities can effectively capture and document these valuable experiences, showcasing students’ readiness for the workforce. The concept of the social transcript is a complementary framework to the traditional academic transcript, aiming to provide a comprehensive evaluation of students’ accomplishments and skills beyond their academic performance. This paper explores the importance and relevance of the social transcript within the context of a smart university, where technology-driven solutions are implemented to enhance the learning environment. This paper highlights the limitations of traditional academic transcripts in capturing the full range of skills and qualities that contribute to professional success. It emphasizes the need for a new approach that recognizes and values the significance of the social transcript in evaluating students’ overall capabilities.
social transcript,smart university,global citizen
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