Exploiting Content-Based Filtering for Publication Venue Recommendations

2023 10th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI)(2023)

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Academic activities in a wide variety of subjects have increased significantly, leading to the publication of thousands of scholarly articles worldwide. This amount of published data presents researchers with a common difficulty when selecting the right publication venues to submit their works. The enormous diversity of topics, research areas, and academic disciplines makes finding a suitable journal or conference even more complex. For researchers, it is inevitably essential to publish in the most suitable journal, but manual selection would be inefficient and time-consuming. To help the researcher decide where they should submit their paper manuscript, we present a publication venue recommendation model using GARUDA-indexed journals. This recommender model can recommend suitable journals as publication venue candidates. Our evaluation results show that the recommender model can achieve a precision of 95% and can suggest the best relevant journals for the researchers.
recommendation systems,recommender systems,content based recommendation,publication venue recommendations,TF-IDF,cosine similarity
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