Enriching On-orbit Servicing Mission Planning with Debris Recycling and In-space Additive Manufacturing

Communications in computer and information science(2023)

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On-orbit servicing (OOS) is a crucial research area with vast application prospects. There is currently a lack of studies focusing on a novel type of OOS scenario. In this scenario, In-Space Additive Manufacturing (ISAM) and Debris Recycling (DR) are incorporated into OOS. Traditional OOS obtains the necessary products for failed satellites through recycling space debris and ISAM, thereby improving sustainability and efficiency in the servicing process. We construct an optimization model. In this model, the total cost of velocity is chosen as the optimization objective. And mission sequences, orbital transfer time, service position, and service time are considered as design variables. Compared to traditional OOS, the novel optimization model is more prone to trapping optimizers in local optima. Therefore, we employ the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) due to its ability to escape local optima. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the optimization model we have developed in representing the novel problem accurately. Moreover, the solution obtained through the utilization of the WOA closely approximates the optimal solution.
debris recycling,mission planning,manufacturing,on-orbit,in-space
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