UV Irradiation of Polyethylene Terephthalate and Polypropylene and Detection of Formed Microplastic Particles Down to 1 m


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The degradation of plastics upon UVC irradiation in aqueous solution and the formation of microplastic (MP) particles were investigated. Polypropylene (PP) and recycled and virgin polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were irradiated with a UV lamp emitting light at 254 nm. Irradiation was performed for 15 and 30 min, respectively, at an intensity of about 0.3 W cm-2. The formation of MP was studied by Raman spectroscopy. The results showed that MP particles were formed after irradiation and that their number was significantly higher in the recycled PET than in the virgin material. The number of PP MP formed was lower compared to PET and was not significantly different after 15 and 30 min. In addition, ethanol was used as an alternative solvent to investigate how its chemical properties and interactions with UVC irradiation affect the degradation of PET and PP plastics. The use of ethanol and recycled PET resulted in a lower number of MP particles at both irradiation times. When ethanol was used after 30 min of irradiation, significantly more PP MP formed. The different chemical structures of PET and PP combined with the different solvent properties of water and ethanol contribute to the differences in their susceptibility to UVC degradation. Irradiating microplastics: This study not only highlights the dynamics of microplastic formation under UV irradiation in both recycled and virgin PET and PP, but also underscores the critical role of thoughtful material design and recycling processes in addressing the growing problem of plastic pollution. The results show that rPET materials without additives have a higher number of MP particles after UVC irradiation than their virgin PET counterparts.image
microplastics,polyethylene terephthalate (PET),polypropylene (PP),Raman spectroscopy,UVC irradiation
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