Superbandwidth laser pulses in a dispersive medium: oscillating beyond the Fourier spectrum with unexpected propagation features

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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The concept of superbandwidth refers to the fact that a band-limited signal can exhibit, locally, an increase of its bandwidth, i.e., an effective bandwidth greater than that predicted by its Fourier transform. In this work, we study the propagation of superbandwidth laser pulses in a dispersive medium, characterized by the group velocity dispersion. In particular, two important results arise from the analysis of the instantaneous frequency of the pulse obtained through the Wigner function distribution: First, it can be observed local oscillations of the electric field which are beyond the Fourier spectrum of the incoming pulse. Second, for a range of values of the pulse synthesis parameters, surprisingly, the dynamics of the instantaneous frequency within certain temporal regions, corresponds to that of a pulse propagating in a medium with a group velocity dispersion of opposite sign. This phenomenon is intrinsic to the special characteristics of the pulse and not to the dispersive properties of the medium.
dispersive medium,laser,oscillating,fourier,spectrum
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