Fast advancing layer method for viscous mesh generation

Chinese Journal of Aeronautics(2023)

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An efficient Advancing Layer Method (ALM) is presented to create semi-structured prisms on viscous walls, in which a procedure that checks possible front intersections is essential to its efficiency. This paper develops various novel schemes to improve the algorithm's efficiency precisely while not sacrificing its robustness and the resulting mesh quality. First, it employs a set of new techniques, and data structures are developed to improve the efficiency of the frontcheck procedure. Then, within each octant, a new filter is developed to reduce the intersection computations in the searching process. In addition, data structures are well designed to store the contiguously accessed data in each computing-intensive loop in a contiguous space for a potentially better cache hit ratio. We built a geometry model library formed by examples of industrial complexity to demonstrate the practicability of the algorithm. All the efforts mentioned above enable us to reduce the percentage of computing time taken by intersection check to an acceptable level (approximately 26%), which make it no longer be the most time-consuming part. (c) 2023 Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Advancing layer method,Intersection check,Mesh generation,Viscous mesh,Boundary layer
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