Interactions between microplastics and insects in terrestrial ecosystems-A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Journal of hazardous materials(2023)

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The presence of microplastics (MPs) in terrestrial ecosystems has been confirmed worldwide. Due to their widespread distribution and diversity in habitats, insects will readily interact with MPs via various pathways. Although the topic of MP-insect interactions is still in the early stages of research, it is becoming increasingly important. We used a META approach with phylogenetic control and subgroup examination to summarize the evidence from both field and laboratory experiments in quantitative form. The field evidence suggests that insects can take and transfer MPs along food chains via ingestion and adherence. Also, they are active in the bio-fragmentation of MPs and the generation of secondary pollutants. The exposure to MPs impaired key biological traits of insects, mainly their behavior and health, such as reducing climbing ability and increasing oxidative stress. In terms of exposure conditions, the small-sized MPs can induce more severe effects on the insects, while the insect response to MPs was not significantly reliant on exposure times or MP concentrations based on the current evidence available. We propose that insects not only play roles in the redistribution of MPs spatially and in food chains via bio-fragmentation but are also threatened by MPs. Our research deepens our understanding of the environmental risks posed by MPs in insect ecosystems.
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