New mechanisms of multidrug resistance: an introduction to the Cancer Drug Resistance special collection.

Cancer drug resistance (Alhambra, Calif.)(2023)

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publishes contributions to understanding the biology and consequences of mechanisms that interfere with successful treatment of cancer. Since virtually all patients who die of metastatic cancer have multidrug-resistant tumors, improved treatment will require an understanding of the mechanisms of resistance to design therapies that circumvent these mechanisms, exploit these mechanisms, or inactivate these multidrug resistance mechanisms. One example of a resistance mechanism is the expression of ATP-binding cassette efflux pumps, but unfortunately, inhibition of these transporters has not proved to be the solution to overcome multidrug resistance in cancer. Other mechanisms that confer multidrug resistance, and the confluence of multiple different mechanisms (multifactorial multidrug resistance) have been identified, and it is the goal of this Special Collection to expand this catalog of potential multidrug resistance mechanisms, to explore novel ways to overcome resistance, and to present thoughtful reviews on the problem of multidrug resistance in cancer.
Cancer drug resistance, multidrug resistance, ABC transporters, novel mechanisms of drug resistance
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