Profibrotic COVID-19 subphenotype exhibits enhanced localized ER-dependent HSP47 + expression in cardiac myofibroblasts in situ.

Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology(2023)

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We recently described a subgroup of autopsied COVID-19 subjects (~40%), termed 'profibrotic phenotype,' who exhibited clusters of myofibroblasts (Mfbs), which were positive for the collagen-specific chaperone heat shock protein 47 (HSP47) in situ. This report identifies increased, localized (hot spot restricted) expression of αSMA, COLα1, POSTN and FAP supporting the identity of HSP47 cells as myofibroblasts and characterizing a profibrotic extracellular matrix (ECM) phenotype. Coupled with increased GRP78 in COVID-19 subjects, these data could reflect induction of the unfolded protein response for mitigation of proteostasis (i.e., protein homeostasis) dysfunction in discrete clusters of cells. ECM shifts in selected COVID-19 subjects occur without significant increases in either global trichrome positive staining or myocardial injury based quantitively on standard H&E scoring. Our findings also suggest distinct mechanism(s) for ECM remodeling in the setting of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The ratio of CD163/CD68 cells is increased in hot spots of profibrotic hearts compared with either controls or outside of hot spots in COVID-19 subjects. In sum, matrix remodeling of human COVID-19 hearts in situ is characterized by site-restricted profibrotic mediated (e.g., HSP47 Mfbs, CD163 Mφs) modifications in ECM (i.e., COLα1, POSTN, FAP), with a strong correlation between COLα1 and HSP47cells within hot spots. Given the established associations of viral infection (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus; HIV), myocardial fibrosis and sudden cardiac death, early screening tools (e.g., plasma biomarkers, noninvasive cardiac magnetic resonance imaging) for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of fibrotic ECM remodeling are warranted for COVID-19 high-risk populations.
Myofibroblasts, Profibrotic phenotype, Human autopsy hearts, COVID-19, Extracellular matrix remodeling, Myofibroblasts macrophage interaction
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