Stellar mass-metallicity relation throughout the large-scale of the Universe: CAVITY mother sample


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Void galaxies are essential to understand the physical processes that drive galaxy evolution as they are less affected by external factors than galaxies in denser environments, i.e. filaments, walls, and clusters. The stellar metallicity of a galaxy traces the accumulated fossil record of star formation through its entire life. Comparing the stellar metallicity of galaxies in various environments, including voids, filaments, walls, and clusters, can provide valuable insights into how the large-scale environment impacts galaxy chemical evolution. We present the first comparison of the total stellar mass vs. central stellar metallicity relation between galaxies in voids, filaments, walls, and clusters with different star formation history (SFH) types, morphologies, and colours, for stellar masses between 10^8.0 to 10^11.5 solar masses and redshift 0.01 < z < 0.05. We aim to better understand how the large-scale structure affects galaxy evolution by studying the stellar mass-metallicity relation of thousands of galaxies, which allows us to make a statistically sound comparison between galaxies in voids, filaments, walls, and clusters. We apply non-parametric full spectral fitting techniques (pPXF and STECKMAP) to 10807 spectra from the SDSS-DR7 (987 in voids, 6463 in filaments and walls, and 3357 in clusters) and derive their central mass-weighted average stellar metallicity. We find that galaxies in voids have on average slightly lower stellar metallicities than galaxies in filaments and walls (by 0.1 dex), and much lower than galaxies in clusters (by 0.4 dex). These differences are more significant for low-mass (10^9.25) than for high-mass galaxies, for long-timescale SFH (LT-SFH, extended along time) galaxies than for short-timescale SFHs (ST-SFH, concentrated at early times) galaxies, for spiral than for elliptical galaxies, and for blue than for red galaxies.
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