Protecting IoT devices from security attacks using effective decision-making strategy of appropriate features


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The term "Internet of things (IoT)" refers to a network in which data from all connected devices may be gathered, analyzed, and modified as per requirements to offer new services. IoT devices require a constant Internet connection to exchange data. The volume and speed of data continue to grow quickly with the expansion of IoT devices nowadays. IoT systems frequently use messaging protocols to exchange IoT data. IoT security must be established using advanced techniques as it is vulnerable to many threats. The primary objectives of IoT security are to protect customer privacy, data integrity, and confidentiality, as well as the security of assets and IoT devices and the accessibility of services provided by an IoT ecosystem. In this regard, the IoT must meet user demands while consuming the least number of resources, including money, vitality, and time. The proposed research work is organized into numerous categories to make it easier for researchers and readers to solve and understand security problems in IOT devices. The categories "Features" are identified from available literature, and a specific criterion is adopted for choosing alternatives. The entropy approach to determine criterion relevance by calculating features weights is utilized. The second method "EDAS" approach is used and the alternatives are sorted chronologically based on the criterion weights for easy identification and selection of an effective alternative. Finally, all alternatives are precisely analyzed and ranked. Using our research method, various appropriate features are extracted and are evaluated to solve security issue within IoT devices. The most significant features are ranked to help researchers and manufacturers to focus on security-related issues in IoT devices.
Internet of things,IoT device,IoT security,Security and privacy,Networks
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