Occlusion-robust workflow recognition with context-aware compositional ConvNet

Soft Computing(2024)

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Workflow recognition relying on deep convolutional neural network has obtained promising performance. Though impressive results have been achieved on standard industrial workflow, the performance on heavily occluded workflow remains far from satisfactory. In this paper, we present an effective context-aware compositional ConvNet (CA-CompNet) for occluded workflow detection with the following contributions. First, we combine compositional model and original ConvNet together to build a unified deep architecture for occluded workflow detection, which has shown innate robustness to address the problem of object classification under occlusion. Second, in order to overcome the variable occlusion limitations, the bounding box annotations are utilized to segment the context from target workflow instance during training. Then, these segmentations are used to learn the proposed CA-CompNet, which enables the network to untangle the feature representation of workflow instance from the context. Third, a robust voting mechanism for candidate bounding box is introduced to improve the detection accuracy, which facilitates the model to precisely detect the bounding box of a specific workflow instance. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed context-aware network can robustly detect workflow instance under occlusion in industrial environment, increasing the detection performance on MS COCO dataset by 4.6% (from 45.1 to 49.7%) in absolute performance compared to the advanced CenterNet.
Workflow recognition,Occlusion detection,Deep learning,Bounding box voting
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