Evaluation of the impact on hospitalization risk of an electronic pill-box to promote therapeutic adherence in post-acute care setting: a pilot study

Angela Martini,Francesco Fantin, Maicol Cavedon, Mauro Zamboni,Silvia Urbani, Anna Giani,Piero Brandimarte,Andrea Petronio Rossi

Aging clinical and experimental research(2023)

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Literature review reveals that adherence to prescribed therapy at hospital discharge averages around 50%. The purpose of this study was to evaluate adherence to prescribed therapy assessing the relationship between re-hospitalization rate at 30 days and degree of therapeutic adherence in a sample of elderly patients discharged from an acute geriatric ward using an Electronic Medication Packaging device, MePill. The study population ( n = 56) was divided in 3 groups, a counseling group (A), a counseling + MePill device group (B) and a control group (C). Group A had 98.1% adherence to therapy, Group B had 100%, and control group had 90%. Analyzing the rate of hospitalization by type of intervention for Group A and C the hospitalization rate was 21% and 27.7%, respectively, whilst for Group B no patient was hospitalized. Participants in Group A and C had the shorter hospitalization-free survival as compared with subjects in Group B.
therapeutic adherence,hospitalization risk,pill-box,post-acute
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